RGF PHI空气净化原理
RGF Photohydroionization

RGF PHI 中央空调专用的PHI CELL 空气净化系统是为有效解决现代商业楼宇的“大楼综合症”而设计。RGF-Photohydroionization技术在宽光谱紫外线与多种稀有金属催化剂的作用下产生包括过氧化氢离子、羟基离子、超氧离子及纯态负离子等在内的PHI 净化因子能够迅速杀灭空气中超过90%的细菌、病毒和霉菌,并可以分解甲醛、苯、TVOC气体和异味,同时生成的负离子还可以消除空气中的悬浮颗粒物以及去除异味。
The RGF PHI CELL HVAC air treatment by RGF is designed to help eliminate Sick Building Syndrome risks by reducing air pollutants, odors, TVOCs (Chemical odors), smoke, mold, bacteria and virus. The Photohydroionization (PHI) reaction occurs when light energy from the Ultraviolet ( UV) cell reacts with oxygen, a small amount of moisture in the air and a hydrated quad-metallic catalyst. This reaction creates cleaning ions, such as hydroperoxides and super oxide ions, which are exhausted from the system to purify the air. With the RGF PHI Cell air treatment System, micro-organisms can be reduced to over 90%, Gases, TVOCs and odors can also be reduced significantly.
中央空调净化专用的PHI Cell 空气净化系统是一个免维护的绿色节能的环保系统,可以非常方便的安装在现有或新的空调系统的通风管道中,在空气的源头将空气中的有害污染物彻底分解去除。不断产生的净化因子通过空调管道遍布整个房间不断去除新产生的有害气体、异味及细菌、病毒。Photohydroionization 技术与其它传统技术相比更有效,更安全。
The RGF PHI Cell HVAC is a green, energy saving, user-friendly product. It can be easily mounted into the current or new air conditioning and heating system air ducts where most sick building problems start, The cleaning ions, the friendly oxidizers will be carried throughout the ducts and rooms for a continuous purification process and a quick kill of newly introduced harmful gases, odors or microbials. The Photohydroionization technology is a safer and more efficient air purification system over traditional methods, and requires no maintenance.